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limited time 18-month term share special

Earn a high, fixed interest rate on your savings.

Looking for ways to start or grow your savings?

Canopy is offering term shares with generous rates up to 4.59% APY*!

grow your savings with Canopy Credit union term share 18 month special


Help your savings grow by locking in a high, fixed dividend rate with Canopy Credit Union. You can open a term share with as little as $500. Whatever your savings goals are, we want to help you achieve them.


Take advantage of this limited-time, special rate by reaching out to us today! Connect with us during business hours via online chat, stop into one of our branches, or give us a call at 509.328.2900.


see all term share rates here


When you open a term share account with us you:

Call us today at 509.328.2900 before this offer goes away!


*Annual Percentage Yield, penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Rates subject to change. Fees may reduce earnings on the account. Rate current as of January 2, 2024.


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