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fraud text alerts

As part of our commitment to your security, we’ve implemented a NEW fraud prevention service available to ALL members. 

You’ll now automatically start receiving text messages whenever there is a flagged transaction on your Canopy Visa Debit and/or Credit Card. You’ll have the option to reply YES if the purchase is valid or NO to void the transaction. Here's an example:

Make sure to save the number 37268 in your phone under "Canopy Fraud Services" so you recognize when you receive these important notices.
These texts will be sent to your primary phone number on your account. Not sure what number you have listed? Give us a call at 509.328.2900 or log in to online banking and send us a secure message!
If you don’t have texting capabilities, you’ll continue receiving any suspicious activity alerts via phone call from our Canopy Fraud Services phone number 877.253.8964.

Fraud Text Alerts FAQ

Yes. They are completely free. 
All texts will be from the shortcode 37268 and will look similar to this: 

You will receive a call from our Canopy Fraud Services phone number 877.253.8964. 
You'll want to reach out to us to find out what your primary phone number is for your membership. You can find this information by calling us at 509.328.2900 or by sending a secure message to us via online banking. 
Texts are sent within minutes of case creation during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. seven days a week based on local cardholder time in their area code.
No they will not.
Our top priority is always the security of our members' personal information. So many people don't answer phone calls from numbers they don't recognize, but most will read text messages they receive. That's why we've invested in these new fraud text alerts so members can know of potential risk and have control to approve or deny transactions as they happen!
You can reply "STOP" to the text messages and you will no longer receive them.
Yes. You will receive texts for both cards.
No. Other forms of notification such as emails and letters will remain enabled or disabled according to your specifications. If no contact numbers are text-capable within your Canopy membership, Canopy Fraud Services will call you from 877.253.8964 to confirm the suspicious transactions.

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