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Bringing Home Bo

July 20, 2018 • Momcents

Written by our Momcents Mom's oldest son, Ty Felker, age 12

I have always wanted a dog my whole life.  I like dogs so much that I would sometimes go to my friend's house just to play with their dogs.  One day, my mom told me that some people down the street had puppies for sale.  We walked down the street just to "look" and came home with a 6-week-old chocolate Australian Lab puppy.  He was the only one of a 12 dog litter left.  He was the cutest thing ever, crooked tail and all!  I named him Bo.

I thought having a dog would be easy, but I soon realized they are a lot of work and money.  We had to go buy him dog food, a dog bowl, a leash, a collar and name tag (WSU Cougars of course!), a bed, some toys and a crate.  And that was just the beginning.  Next, we had to find a vet we liked and a trainer to teach all of us how to take care of the puppy and train him properly.  

Having a puppy has taught me that it's not all fun and games, especially when you are also trying to juggle school and sports.  There were lots of "accidents" to clean up in the house, food and water bowls to fill, poop to scoop, and a very energetic puppy to give a lot of attention to.  Puppies are like babies, you have to keep your eye on them 24/7.  Bo loves to find our shoes and socks and play keep away or tear them to shreds.  We even learned early on that making plans to leave town or just being away from home for a few hours at a time is more complicated with a puppy.  
But as Bo is embarking on his 1st birthday on August 1st, I don't think of all the work he is, just about how much we all love him!  He will always be my "good boy".


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