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Online Banking: The Next Generation Coming January 2021

October 28, 2020 • General News

Whether you’re a Star Trek nerd (like some of us) or not, the title of this article speaks for itself. Technology never stands still. That’s why we’re constantly looking for ways to improve and enhance your online banking experience.

You've given us feedback and we're acting to enhance our online banking platform. We’re proud to say the technology team at Canopy has devoted countless hours identifying and helping create what we believe will be a superior online banking experience for our members!

Beginning in January of 2021, we will will launch a brand new online & mobile banking platform designed to offer powerful new online features including improved bill pay, budget management software and much, much, more. 


It may look a little different (mobile users will need to download a new app for example) and it might take a minute to get used to navigating your way around it, but have no fear – we believe this will provide an updated and more intuitive user experience. We’re here to help whenever you need a question answered or a problem solved.

Watch for news and updates as we get close to launch date. We’ll be communicating important details through a variety of channels — mail, email, social media, website updates and more — so stay turned for more online banking news in the days and months to come.

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