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Screenshotting Your Financial Picture

September 7, 2018 • General News

Personal finances can be complicated and confusing for just about anybody. We all have checking and savings accounts, home and auto loans, credit cards and more, at one or perhaps many financial institutions. Keeping track can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With Track Every Dollar (TED), you can access your entire financial picture – every account, every transaction – all from our home banking platform.

Track your spending, set savings goals, establish budgets and more. All you need to do is login to your Spokane Federal online account to get started! With TED you can sync with nearly 15,000 financial institutions – allowing you to aggregate all of your accounts in one place.

TED allows you see your complete financial picture so that you can make better informed spending decisions. Track expenses by category, check on your savings goals to see what kind of progress you’re making, stay on top of changes with account alerts, and monitor your total assets and debts for an up-to-date calculation of your net worth. If you’d like to know more about what TED can do for you, visit the website at to login and get started. It’s easy and best of all, it’s free. So, say hello to TED today.

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