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Summer Projects-Getting Them Done Right

May 5, 2015 • General News

frony porchWe all know that when summertime rolls around it usually means that we get the green light to complete all of those outdoor projects that we have looked at and dreamed about all winter long. Whether it is building that new deck, planting that new garden or repaving that old driveway, chances are you will have some sort of outdoor project over the summer. It is important to remember a few things when considering certain projects around the house:

1. Plan your project-Take an inventory of everything that you will need to complete your project, whether it be special tools, extra people or special materials.

2. Budget appropriately-The last thing that anyone wants to run into is unexpected costs while completing a household project. Make sure to analyze all of the costs that could be associated with the project, including a buffer in case an unexpected issue arises. Many times, there are several different funding options available for larger projects.

3. Take your time-Rushing through projects can be very costly. It is important to take your time, get it right the first time and truly understand the process that you are completing. This helps in case you have to seek out permits or professional assistance. Being able to explain what you are planning to do or have already done can be extremely helpful to others who might be helping along the way.

4. Think safety-The most important part of your summer project is staying safe. Remember to alert local utility companies before you dig, have someone spot you on the ladder and stay away from electrical lines!

5. Hire a professional-Sometimes we try and complete a project that is beyond our scope of knowledge and expertise. Don’t be ashamed to hire a professional to do the job. After all, they are usually trained and experienced in their line of work, just like you are in yours. Remember, however, to carefully check references of those that you wish to hire. There are many great resources available to consumers to aid in selecting a professional laborer.

Your friends at Spokane Federal Credit Union understand that summer projects can be big and small. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us to see how we can help you achieve your goals this summer. Call us at (509)328-2900 or visit at

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