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We Love Teachers

April 29, 2019 • Momcents

Written by Momcent's Mom, Krista Felker

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love teachers!!!  Given that, I am super excited for Teacher Appreciation Week coming up May 5th - May 11th.   I have gotten to know a lot of teachers over the last 10 years my kids have been in school, so I reached out to them to ask what they love to receive from their students/parents.

The results are in, here is a list of things my teacher friends love receiving (but truly don't expect!):

  1. Gift cards!  Some said for coffee, well because wrangling kids all day is exhausting!  Others mentioned Target and Amazon so they can by school supplies and stuff for their classroom.  Other ideas are restaurants, movie tickets, another store they might love.
  2. Artwork and cards made by students, they love the creativity and thoughtfulness of this.
  3. Books!  They love growing their classroom library!
  4. Booze - I won't tell you what teacher said that haha!
  5. Handmade items from kids.
  6. Parent compliments/notes.
  7. Plants that they can keep for a long time.

It doesn't have to be a lot, some of these don't even cost money!  Just let them know they are appreciated.  I feel so blessed to know my kids are taken care of and taught by people who love what they do and love their "kids" with all their hearts.  It makes me so happy to show them how much they are appreciated.

Thank you to all the teachers out there! 


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