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Your Complete Financial Picture

January 4, 2018 • General News

Can you imagine what it would be like to have access to your entire financial life - every account, every transaction - all in one convenient, easy-to-use site that you can access from your desktop and mobile devices from almost anywhere? Sounds pretty cool, right?

With Spokane Federal's new Track Every $ (TED), a powerful new online financial management system, you can set yourself up for success today. Save hundreds of dollars every year by tracking spending, setting goals and establishing budgets. And all you need to do is log in to your Spokane Federal Credit Union account to get started! 

With TED, you'll know where your money goes and how much you're saving. You can set goals and track budgets - and you can sync accounts with nearly 15,000 financial institutions allowing you to see all of your financial information at a glance. Now if you have checking and savings at one financial institution, loans at another, investments at yet another, you don't have to go chasing all over the Internet to review your accounts. With TED, they're all in one place. 

TED lets you see your complete financial picture: 

  • Tag transactions so that you can track spending habits
  • Make better-informed spending decisions using a cash flow calendar
  • Visually check your financial goals to see the progress you're making
  • Stay on top of changes with account alerts
  • Monitor your total assets and debts for an up-to-date calculation of your net worth
  • If you'd like to know more about what TED can do for you, click here. There, you'll be able to learn more, log in, and get started!

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