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caller ID shows the call coming from Canopy CU or a caller says there is fraud on your account.

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Your Security Is Our Top Priority!

November 23, 2016 • General News

We live in a time when acts of fraud seem to be common place, which is why we periodically ask you to answer your personally created security questions. It’s added protection that’s quick and easy. Just as devices are constantly evolving, so is security.  We’re always mindful of the platforms you’re logging in from (i.e. phone, desktop) and we’re constantly making sure we provide the highest level of security possible to ensure your accounts are safe and secure.  So on the occasion when you get asked to answer a security question, know that we’re doing this to verify it’s you logging in and not an imposter who has ulterior motives in mind.  Think of us as your personal security guards. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at (509) 328-2900.

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