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IMPORTANT: North Branch Updates

December 16, 2019 • General News

Canopy Credit Union is now the exclusive owner of the existing North Branch location (1212 W. Francis) effective January 1, 2020.

Looking into 2020
The new year marks the start of some much-needed remodeling to the building. The branch remodel will mirror the same look and feel as our Valley Branch complete with our Teller Connect platform.

This new technology allows us the ability to increase our teller service hours and improve efficiency. While we work on improvements to the building, we'll make every attempt to ensure our members will be able to transact business with the least amount of interruption possible.

Investments being made
The credit union is steadfast in our commitment to providing you financial tools to help you grow. We offer financial coaching, budgeting tools, video tutorials and much more. If you haven't visited our new website yet, check it out!

Shared Branching temporarily put on hold - North Branch only
In order to best serve our members, we will not be performing shared branching transactions during construction starting January 2, 2020. We appreciate your patience while we update the North Branch location.

We're excited to grow with you! Our goal remains the same - to deliver exceptional, personal service to our members.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 509.328.2900.

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